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Magic Forged by K. M. Shea

Magic Forged by K. M. SheaMagic Forged by K. M. Shea
Series: Hall of Blood and Mercy #1
Published by K. M. Shea on November 5, 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages: 268
ISBN: 9781950635078
Source: Purchased



I'm one scrappy wizard. As someone with barely a flicker of magic, I've spent my life being mocked and surviving fights with bullies. But when my parents die in an accident, and I find myself responsible for our whole wizard house and family, I know my usual tactics aren't going to cut it.

The situation veers from bad to catastrophic when my backstabbing cousin stages a coup and takes my family hostage. I barely manage to flee, but the only supernatural willing to help me is Killian Drake - the most feared vampire in the region, and a far more deadly villain than the jerk threatening my family.

Is Killian sexy and charismatic? Heck yeah.

He's also so powerful that my flight or fight instincts kick in every time our eyes meet. And he's definitely using me as his personal magic detector in his feud against the local fae.

But Killian is also the first person to believe I might have more than just a scrap of magic. And if I can convince him to train me, I might get strong enough to free my family and get my house back.

I'm not sure what happens when a scrappy wizard is taught how to fight by a hall of deadly vampires, but I'm about to find out.

Magic Forged is the first book in the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy, which features vampires, wizards, fae, and werewolves. It's packed with humor, adventure, and a sweet, slow burn romance between a vertically challenged wizard and the most lethal vampire in town.

Spiritual Content

There’s no spiritual content.

As far as magic goes, Magic Forged takes place in a world filled with wizards, vampires, werewolves, fae, and — until a couple of hundred years ago — elves. (There are dragon shifters in the world, too, but neither they nor their magic appears in this book.) All of them have varying magical abilities (as described below). 

  • Wizards have magical houses and the ability to “bend the elements to our will — like fire, wind, water, you get the point — and fight or defend with raw magic.’
  • “The fae are in a similar but opposite position. Since they have to use things to channel the magic for them, they can use magic for things like sealing powers, disguises, embedding a spell in an item, a strain of hypnosis, and so on.”
  • Vampires are typical vampires, except sunlight only makes them weaker and uncomfortable. They have enhanced senses and are faster than werewolves but not as strong.
  • Werewolves are typical werewolves who can shift at will. They, like vampires, have enhanced senses. (See difference above.)
  • Though elves aren’t present, certain elven artifacts and spells are around. Due to the elves’ ability to create magic simply by existing, elven items are extremely powerful and have varying effects.
  • Dragon shifters are the only shifters capable of casting magic.


Magic Forged starts with Hazel avoiding a bully who singes her hair and burns her shoulder before she escapes. Shortly after, her parents get killed in a car crash (off-page). Three weeks later, Mason stages a coup, holding Hazel’s friends’ hostage as leverage. Several vampire community members get murdered throughout the book (off-page). In one scene, Hazel gets attacked by a fae creature, stabbing it with its severed claw and nearly dying herself. In another, Killian shoots a werewolf in the shoulder. After being attacked by two wizards, Hazel knocks one out with her book-padded clutch while Killian throws the other into a wall, killing them on impact. At one point, Rupert knocks Hazel out. Near the end, Hazel gets in a life-or-death fight with the murderer harassing the vampires. None of these scenes are gory or inappropriate.

Drug And Alcohol Content

There is mention of a bartender mixing drinks at his station and Hazel drinking a glass of white wine, but that’s all as far as drugs and alcohol go.

Sexual Content

Not present.

Swearing Or Foul Language

  • Two uses of h-ll 
  • Three uses of a-

My Take On Magic Forged by K. M. Shea

Action, murder mystery, urban fantasy, romance — you name it and, odds are, Magic Forged by K. M. Shea pulls it off with aplomb. Unfortunately for pacifists, that list also includes violence (though none of it is what I’d call graphic), so bear that in mind before starting one of my favorite clean romance trilogies ever!

About K. M. Shea

K. M. Shea is a fantasy-romance author who never quite grew out of adventure books or fairy tales, and still searches closets in hopes of stumbling into Narnia. She is addicted to sweet romances, witty characters, and happy endings.

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