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Romancing Daphne by Sarah M. Eden

Romancing Daphne by Sarah M. EdenRomancing Daphne by Sarah M. Eden
Series: The Lancaster Family #3
Published by Covenant Communications on June 1, 2017
Format: eBook
Pages: 299
Source: Purchased



As her first London Season looms before her, the thought of the impending social whirl fills Daphne Lancaster's timid heart with dread. She hasn't her sisters beauty nor their talent for conversing easily. Even her family's enviable connections may not be enough to prevent disaster.

But Daphne's misery turns to surprised delight when the first event of her Season brings an unexpected visitor to her door—James Tilburn, whose tender kindness stole her heart in her youth. When the handsome young gentleman expresses his desire to court her, Daphne is elated. Their feelings for each other quickly grow, and it appears that, much to Daphne s disbelief, her happily ever after is within reach.

Yet nothing is as it seems. The couple finds themselves caught in a tangled web of greed and deceit, leaving James and Daphne to determine whether they are willing to risk everything for true love.

Spiritual Content

Aside from a few passing mentions of people praying and occasional remarks like “good heavens” and “thank the heavens,” the only spiritual content in Romancing Daphne is when James asks his father if he’s confusing the Duke of Kielder with “The Almighty” and when Adam tells Daphne to “use the intelligence God blessed you with.”


The only violence in Romancing Daphne, aside from Adam and Linus threatening to kill people on multiple occasions, Linus mentioning that “I’ve seen enough floggings during my career to know how to administer one,” and the report that the prime minister was shot dead in the lobby of the House of Commons, is when Daphne tells James that her brother, Evander, “was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar.”

Drug And Alcohol Content

All references to drugs throughout Romancing Daphne revolve around using teas and tisanes for medicine; Daphne offers to write down a few tisanes for James’s mother, who “feels unwell and, as a result, has not slept as she ought.” Two days later, she gives him “recipes for three different tisanes that are very soothing on a sore throat.” When James’s mother’s throat worsens, and she gains a fever, Daphne makes a tisane for her throat and brews feverfew tea to cool her down.

The only references to alcohol are when, twice, James’s father drinks a glass of sherry while convincing James to call on Daphne and when Adam suggests that James hire a new steward because “the man I sent had only to buy the gum-flapper two pints at the local ale house before he knew everything there was to know about you and your family.”

Sexual Content

There are 17 kisses between Daphne and James: seven descriptive and ten non-descriptive.

Swearing Or Foul Language

Not present.

My Take On Romancing Daphne by Sarah M. Eden

Once again, Eden showcases her storytelling prowess by turning the myth of Daphne and Apollo into a Regency romance with characters so endearing I wanted to keep reading all night long. And while Romancing Daphne certainly has drawn-out and borderline over-the-top drama that won’t appeal to everyone, the story was too compelling for me to care.

About Sarah M. Eden

Sarah M. Eden is a USA Today best-selling author of witty and charming historical romances, including 2020's Foreword Reviews INDIE Awards Gold Winner for Romance, Forget Me Not, and 2020 Holt Medallion finalist, Healing Hearts. She is a three-time "Best of State" Gold Medal winner for fiction and a three-time Whitney Award winner.

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