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Rakkety Tam by Brian Jacques

Rakkety Tam by Brian JacquesRakkety Tam by Brian Jacques
Series: Redwall #17
Published by Philomel Books on September 9, 2004
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 372
ISBN: 9780399237256
Source: Purchased



A dark force is rampaging through the forests of Mossflower. Gulo the Savage, wolverine, flesh-eater, and brutal killer, has come across the seas in search of his brother, Askor. Askor stole the famous walking stone that will make one of them king of the lands of ice and snow - and Gulo wants it back. Anybeast who gets in Gulo's way is dead meat. Literally. Rakkety Tam McBurl is a brave border warrior, travelled south in search of adventure. But when his army is attacked by Gulo's flesh-eating band, adventure finds him. Gulo is heading for the ancient Redwall Abbey - and Rakkety Tam is determined not to let the savage Gulo destroy the peaceful ways of Redwall.

Spiritual Content

The only spiritual content in Rakkety Tam is when Martin, a long-dead warrior mouse, appears in dreams to one or another Redwaller of his choosing, comforting and counseling them in times of trouble.


  • There’s mention of Gulo the Savage killing his father because “only he who had possession of the Walking Stone could rule the land of snow and ice.” 
  • Before getting kidnapped by the Long Patrol, Tam and Doogy kill two of Gulo’s vermin. 
  • After surrendering to Gulo and his army, Driftail and his gang are killed and eaten.
  • At different points throughout the book, Doogy and Ferdimond get into a boxing match, Yoofus knocks out and robs one of Gulo’s captains, and Tam and Tergen kill two of Gulo’s vermin who attack them. 
  • Gulo kills three sentries who failed to guard the camp. (Later, he breaks someone’s neck for complaining about being tired and beheads Herag because he “knew that one was going to run.”
  • Fortindom kills one vermin scouting out Redwall and sends another back to Zerig, who kills him. 
  • Doogy and Yoofus kill a gang of vermin who invade Yoofus’s neighbor’s home. 
  • Near the end, Doogy kills one of Gulo’s vermin before he’s knocked out. 
  • There are eight battles in which several creatures are injured or slain (and sometimes eaten by vermin), one of which happens off-page. (Another starts as an on-page, one-on-one fight — where the loser gets beheaded — but ends as an off-page battle.)

Drug And Alcohol Content

Beer, wine, ale, and cordial are shared during meals and while telling stories, but those are the only references to drugs or alcohol throughout Rakkety Tam.

Sexual Content

Not present.

Swearing Or Foul Language

  • Nine uses of h-ll

My Take On Rakkety Tam by Brian Jacques

Violence and the consumption of alcohol keep Rakkety Tam from being squeaky clean. Still, its non-graphic nature and non-stop entertainment make it a must-read for any adventure-seeker between the ages of 10 and 14. And, though romance isn’t the main focus, there’s a romantic subplot that’s sweet and appropriate for even the youngest readers.

About Brian Jacques

James Brian Jacques was an English novelist known for his Redwall series of novels and Castaways of the Flying Dutchman series. He also completed two collections of short stories entitled The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns and Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales.

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