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Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce

Dungeons and Drama by Kristy BoyceDoungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce
Published by Delacorte Press on January 9, 2024
Format: eBook
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9780593647028
Source: Purchased



When it comes to romance, sometimes it doesn't hurt to play games. A fun YA romcom full of fake dating hijinks!

Musical lover Riley has big aspirations to become a director on Broadway. Crucial to this plan is to bring back her high school’s spring musical, but when Riley takes her mom’s car without permission, she's grounded and stuck with the worst punishment: spending her after-school hours working at her dad’s game shop.

Riley can't waste her time working when she has a musical to save, so she convinces Nathan—a nerdy teen employee—to cover her shifts and, in exchange, she’ll flirt with him to make his gamer-girl crush jealous.

But Riley didn’t realize that meant joining Nathan's Dungeons & Dragons game…or that role playing would be so fun. Soon, Riley starts to think that flirting with Nathan doesn't require as much acting as she would've thought...

Spiritual Content

The mention of souls and phrases like “Good Lord” and “Oh my God” are as spiritual as Dungeons and Drama gets.


Not present.

Drug And Alcohol Content 

Cigarette butts, a bar, a party with alcohol, cholesterol meds, and a hangover are mentioned in Dungeons and Drama, but that’s all as far as drugs or alcohol are concerned.

Sexual Content

“Sarah decided to go all the way with Eli,” and there are 11 kisses between Nathan and Riley: three descriptive and eight non-descriptive.

Swearing Or Foul Language

  • One use of p-

My Take On Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce

There’s a lot to love about Dungeons and Drama, from its colorful characters to its hilarious hijinks. . .I just wish the climax of the story was driven by real problems and not negative motivation. (i.e. an excuse NOT to do or say what needs to be said or done to achieve a desired goal. Like, say, turning your fake girlfriend into a real one.) Still, Kristy Boyce isn’t the first or the last author to do this and if you can get past that then you’ll like this book.

About Kristy Boyce

Kristy Boyce lives in Columbus, OH and teaches psychology as a senior lecturer at The Ohio State University. When she's not spending time with her husband and son, she's usually writing, reading, putting together fairy gardens, or watching happy reality TV (The Great British Bake-Off and So You Think You Can Dance are perennial favorites). Kristy is the social media coordinator for Central and Southern Ohio SCBWI. Her PitchWars manuscript, HOT BRITISH BOYFRIEND, won the 2019 YARWA Rosemary Award for excellence in contemporary YA.

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