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In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

In 27 Days by Alison GervaisIn 27 Days by Alison Gervais
Series: In 27 Days #1
Published by Blink on July 25, 2017
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9780310759058
Source: Purchased



Hadley Jamison is shocked when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, has committed suicide. She didn't know the quiet, reserved guy very well, but that doesn't stop her from feeling there was something she could have done to help him.

Hoping to find some sense of closure, Hadley attends Archer's funeral. There, Hadley is approached by a man who calls himself Death and offers her a deal. If Hadley accepts, she will be sent back 27 days in time to prevent Archer from killing himself. But when Hadley agrees to Death's terms and goes back to right the past, she quickly learns her mission is harder than she ever could have known.

Hadley soon discovers Archer's reasons for being alone, and Archer realizes that having someone to confide in isn't as bad as he'd always thought. But when a series of dangerous accidents starts pushing them apart, Hadley must decide whether she is ready to risk everything - including her life - to keep Archer safe.

Spiritual Content

Several religious references are made throughout In 27 Days, ranging from simple observations like “the smell of incense used during mass” and the appearance of “Death” A.K.A. “the angel Azrael,” to attending church, the use of “holy water,” praying, and even the quoting of scripture.

The only thing that comes close to magic is Death’s manipulation of time, Havoc causing “accidents,” and the tattoo on Hadley’s wrist counting down the days that Archer has left to live.


Most violence throughout In 27 Days centers around Havoc orchestrating “accidents” — reinforcing his threat to kill Hadley as “payment for Archer’s debt” if she doesn’t let him commit suicide — including him shoving Hadley down the stairs, causing a bus to crash, and Hadley to get hit by a car. These incidents aside, a teacher, Mrs. Anderson, tells her students that Archer Morales — “one of our students at JFK Prep — committed suicide.” Hadley learns that Archer’s abusive father “broke into their apartment one night and stabbed his stepdad twenty-seven times,” leaving Archer to discover his “murdered stepfather in the middle of our kitchen floor.”

Drug And Alcohol Content

Aside from mentioning caffeine and Tylenol, the only references to drugs and alcohol throughout In 27 Days are Death smoking a cigarette, Archer telling Hadley that his dad got “really screwed up with drugs and alcohol,” Karin mentioning that Regina takes medication for PTSD, and Archer’s family drinking wine.

Sexual Content

There are five kisses between Hadley and Archer: three descriptive and two non-descriptive.

Swearing Or Foul Language

  • One use of h-ll

My Take On In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

A phenomenal story about second chances, good vs. evil, making every second count, and, of course, love, Alison Gervais’ In 27 Days is a must-read for anyone 13 or older — provided you don’t mind the mention of suicide or a homicidal father serving life in prison.

About Alison Gervais

Alison Gervais began writing at age five and gained recognition by posting her work on Wattpad in 2011. After graduating with a degree in English from Colorado State University – Pueblo in 2017 she went on to publish two Young Adult novels, In 27 Days and The Silence Between Us.

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