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Magic Unleashed by K. M. Shea

Magic Unleashed by K. M. SheaMagic Unleashed by K. M. Shea
Series: Hall of Blood and Mercy #3
Published by K. M. Shea on November 11, 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages: 326
ISBN: 9781950635092
Source: Purchased



Ever had ex-housemates you can’t get rid of?

When Killian and the rest of the Drake vampires kicked me out of their mansion without any explanation, I felt beyond betrayed…

I was livid!

But I refused to waste my energy thinking about them. Thanks to all the free training I got while living with vampires, I had the skills I needed to finally free my family. I even got my house back! Best yet, I can pass on the magic techniques and fighting skills I’ve learned to all the wizards in our group.

As long as I ignore the rotating vampires standing watch on the corner across the street, life is normal again…until the fae risk injuring hundreds of supernaturals just to stage a surprise attack on Killian.

There’s no way I’m going to let the fae get away with this. I may be furious with Killian, but I hate bullies even more.

But, big surprise, my good deed won’t go unpunished. I knew I’d face a fallout for saving the most feared and lethal vampire in the Midwest—I just never imaged the lengths Killian would go through to protect me and win me back…

Magic Unleashed is the final book in the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy, which features vampires, wizards, fae, and werewolves. It's packed with humor, adventure, and a sweet, slow burn romance between a vertically challenged wizard and the deadliest vampire in town.

Spiritual Content

There’s brief speculation as to whether or not vampires have souls and mention of a doorbell that sounds like a church bell, but that’s all as far as spiritual content goes.

As far as magic goes, Magic Unleashed takes place in the same world as Magic Forged and Magic Redeemed (the other books in this trilogy); a world inhabited by wizards, vampires, werewolves, fae, and — until a couple of hundred years ago — elves. (There are dragon shifters in the world, too, but neither they nor their magic appears in this book.) All of them have varying magical abilities (as described below). 

  • Wizards have magical houses and the ability to “bend the elements to our will — like fire, wind, water, you get the point — and fight or defend with raw magic.’ (Quoted from Magic Forged.)
  • “The fae are in a similar but opposite position. Since they have to use things to channel the magic for them, they can use magic for things like sealing powers, disguises, embedding a spell in an item, a strain of hypnosis, and so on.” (Quoted from Magic Forged.)
  • Vampires are typical vampires, except sunlight only makes them weaker and uncomfortable. They have enhanced senses and are faster than werewolves but not as strong.
  • Werewolves are typical werewolves who can shift at will. They, like vampires, have enhanced senses. (See difference above.)
  • Though elves aren’t present, certain elven artifacts and spells are around. Due to the elves’ ability to create magic simply by existing, elven items are extremely powerful and have varying effects.
  • Dragon shifters are the only shifters capable of casting magic.


Magic Unleashed opens with the wizards of House Medeis honing their magic and combat skills. (The first of many similar training sessions, several of which include members of the Drake Family.) A fight breaks out in the middle of the Curia Cloisters; several fae get shot (and sustain various other injuries), and Gavino, Julianne, and Rupert sustain dire wounds caused by fae magic. Two fae try to kill Hazel and her friends after she visits Leila, but they get captured before anyone gets hurt. Near the end, there is a duel depicting some minor magic-and-combat-related injuries — along with some murders by magic — but nothing graphic occurs.

Drug And Alcohol Content

In one scene, Great Aunt Marraine is drinking a glass of wine, but that’s all as far as alcohol and drugs go.

Sexual Content

There are fourteen kisses between Killian and Hazel: thirteen non-descriptive and one descriptive.

Swearing Or Foul Language

  • One use of a-
  • One use of h-ll

My Take On Magic Unleashed by K. M. Shea

Packed with the same mix of action, humor, and romance, as the rest of the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy, Magic Unleashed by K. M. Shea is everything one hopes for in a wrap-up novel: exciting, entertaining, and, above all, satisfying!

About K. M. Shea

K. M. Shea is a fantasy-romance author who never quite grew out of adventure books or fairy tales, and still searches closets in hopes of stumbling into Narnia. She is addicted to sweet romances, witty characters, and happy endings.

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